Thursday, January 5, 2012

How to configure worker node

In the following I will describe how to configure the worker node. I assume that the worker node has been already installed following the instructions posted on this blog.

Firs of all, before we start, we still need to add nova-network (it has not been installed so far).


yum install openstack-nova-network

Once this is done, we can go on and edit the /etc/nova/nova.conf file.

First, add to the file the option


The relevant switches are:


In the end the configuration file should look like:

--logging_context_format_string=%(asctime)s %(name)s: %(levelname)s [%(request_id)s %(user)s %(project)s] %(message)s
--logging_default_format_string=%(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s

where {USER},{PWD} and {DATABASE} denote nova database user, pasword and database name.

Now go to the controller node and open the following ports for incoming connections: 3333,3306,5672,8773,8000.

Go back to worker node and prepare /root/bin/ script with the following content:

for n in ajax-console-proxy compute vncproxy network; do
service openstack-nova-$n $@;

Then run

/root/bin/ stop
Stopping OpenStack Nova Web-based serial console proxy: [ OK ]
Stopping OpenStack Nova Compute Worker: [ OK ]
Stopping OpenStack Nova VNC Proxy: [ OK ]
Stopping OpenStack Nova Network Controller: [ OK ]
[root@gridreserve30 compute]# /root/bin/ start
Starting OpenStack Nova Web-based serial console proxy: [ OK ]
Starting OpenStack Nova Compute Worker: [ OK ]
Starting OpenStack Nova VNC Proxy: [ OK ]
Starting OpenStack Nova Network Controller: [ OK ]

to be continued...

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